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Welcome to A11y Village! We publish accessibility articles every week, covering topics such as Accessibility 101, UX/UI design, and development practices. In addition, we feature interviews with people who have faced barriers and those who are actively working towards improving Accessibility. We invite you to join our village and help create a more inclusive and welcoming world 🏕.
Build digital products for everyone
Research and Development
Research and Development A software engineer with passion for learning and developing, fueled by a strong curiosity for knowledge. Enjoys sharing my ideas and collaborating with others.
Audio Description Series
A communicator spanning the arts, telecommunications, cybersecurity, and government projects, dedicated to unraveling various communication challenges on the road to Tech for Good, helping others understand the world and experience the beauty it offers.
Assistive Technology Instructor
Curious about technology, eager to share knowledge and learn, and enjoy the joy of sharing new things with others.